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Junya Makino was born in Mishima, Japan. 

He studied under Yasuo Mito and Machia Saito at the Tokyo College of Music, under Anke Schittenhelm at the University of the Arts in Graz, Austria and under Rainer Schmidt (Hagen String Quartet) at the Music Academy in Basel, Switzerland.

He also studied Contemporary Music under Mike Svoboda, Jürg Henneberger and Marcus Weiss at the Music Academy in Basel. 

He learnt contemporary music (violin) under Irvine Arditti, Lucas Fels, Ilya Gringolts, Jagdish Mistry (Ensemble Modern), Giorgos Panagiotidis (Ensemble Modern), Melise Mellinger (Ensemble recherché) and Hannah Weirich (Ensemble Musikfabrik).

He has participated in international competitions, including the 4th International Jascha Heifetz Competition in Lithuania.

He has also taken master classes with Saschko Gawriloff, Liana Isakadze, Boris Belkin, Eberhard Feltz, Christos Polyzoides, Demetrius Polyzoides and Sylvia-Elisabeth Viertel, among others.

Junya is an year 2014/2015’s member of Internationale Ensemble Modern Akademie in Frankfurt, Germany - famous ensemble, which exist since 1980, and is performing music of contemporary European composers. During 2014-2015, being a violinist of ensemble’s academy, he played big amount of pieces around all Europe in many festivals, such as Gaudeamus Muziekweek in Utrecht, Biennale für Moderne Musik Frankfurt Rhein Main, KulturTagJahr, two weeks of concerts in Paris on MANIFESTE Akademie IRCAM, Dessau, Witten Neue Musik Tage, Achtbrücken Musik Festival Köln, Ruhrtriiiennale and cresc Festival in Frankfurt.

He worked with such musicians as Heinz Holliger, Beat Furrer, Michael Jarrell, George Aperghis, Ingo Metzmacher, Emilio Pomarico, Lucas Vis, Michael Quell, Bennewitz Quartet and Apollon Quartet, among others.

In July 2014, he was invited as a soloist playing Vivaldi Four Seasons with the Parnas String Quintet (members of the Prague Symphony Orchestra and the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra) at the Tokyo Opera City Recital Hall.

In September 2016, as a soloist he premiered (in Ukraine) Ligeti Violin Concerto in Kiev with Armonia Rudus.

Beside his principal activity as a performer, he organizes contemporary music festivals.

In December 2015, he was founding the contemporary music festival "Kyiv Contemporary Music Days (KCMD)” in Kiev, Ukraine with his colleagues as a vice president and up to now, the festival provides more than 150 events.

In April 2019, he founded the contemporary music festival "Mishima Contemporary Music Days (MCMD)” in his home town Mishima, Japan.

The festival is currently in its third edition and has been featured in various media outlets, including TV, newspapers, and other forms of media. With a total attendance exceeding 2,000 people, it has received positive reviews and acclaim.


東京音楽大学卒業、オーストリア国立グラーツ音楽演劇大学卒業、International Ensemble Modern Academy Frankfurt 修了、スイス·バーゼル市立バーゼル音楽院演奏家課程及び現代音楽課程修了。



これまでに、独奏者としてArmonia Ludus orchestra 、MCMD弦楽合奏団、パルナス弦楽五重奏団、アポロン弦楽四重奏団、ベネヴィッツ弦楽四重奏団と共演、ガウデアムス国際音楽週間、ヴィッテン現代音楽祭、パリ マニフェストをはじめとした各国の主要現代音楽祭に出演する。

演奏活動と並行して、コンサートプロジェクトマネージャーとしても活動。2015年12月より、ウクライナの首都キエフで現代音楽祭 「Kyiv Contemporary Music Days (KCMD)」をVice President 、芸術監督及び奏者として主催。ウクライナ国内の主要ラジオ·テレビに取り上げられ、好評を博す。

2014年以降定期的に在籍しているドイツ·フランクフルトの現代音楽アンサンブル集団 Ensemble Modern のメンバーをはじめヨーロッパの著名作曲家·演奏家をその音楽祭に招聘し、自身も演奏者として、2019年6月までに90公演を超えるコンサートを主催·演奏する。

2016年9月、独奏者として同音楽祭にてリゲティ ヴァイオリン協奏曲をウクライナ初演。


国内では2019年ゴールデンウィークに、静岡県三島市において大規模な現代音楽祭「Mishima Contemporary Music Days (MCMD)」をプロジェクトマネージャー、芸術監督及び奏者として主催。

